26 June 2010


It's not that i wanna curse or say something bad when people say bad things at formspring. I am not complaining of how it is. Im just trying to tell facts about creating formspring. Formspring is actually about people asking questions about the person to get to know the person more, or if they dont have the guts to ask questions, they can ask by putting it anonymous. Not those bad questions like "so you think you're a slut?" or "dont u think you act like a bitch?", seriously. I feel so sad when i read all of those questions. This is earth, we're all human, if we wanna point out other peoples faults, we should approach them in a mannered way. Is it too hard? Just say as an example; "hye tasha, im sorry but i got offended when you cursed to me about my problems. I was really hurt when you commented about what i have gone through. Since i know maybe you have gone through quite a lot and you took mine very lightly. It's very selfish of you to do that. And i think maybe you should fix on that part, im sorry if this sounds rude. but i wish you would take it openly. No hard feelings. Please and thank you." - Dayana

I mean seriously, i don't think i would mind or care or hate that person if that person approach me that way. It's very considerate of the person to put it in an orderly way. If you cnnot just say it to someone's face then why don't you just fb the person or sent an email to the person to say it privately. Jatuhkan maruah orng lain in public, i don't think its a very good thing. Yeah maybe if u wanna tegur that person. Don't do it in public la, that's like trying to show people what the person has done. I mean we all make mistakes, we are bound to do so. So, a better way to fix things is by telling the person in a mannered way. I just wish people would change.
I don't get angry if i see all those comments at other people's formspring or mine. I just had a frown on my face, feeling really sad of how this world is progressing. I beg you people, tolong la. Pray to Allah, and ask for forgiveness. If you have a problem with someone else and you don't wanna hate them. You tell god that. Because i know at times, we feel like we hate someone. It's something we can't actually avoid. But please, if you hate that someone. Try to open your heart and stop what you're doing. Because it's wrong.
What you do is what you get.
So i wish to all the haters out there, please open up your hearts and brains. Amin.

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