25 April 2010


Visited my cousin yesterday night at gleanegles hospital, If i spelled that right. He got some kind of an infection. Pity him, :( So we brought him chocolates, garlic breads, and all. I can't resist the m&m's. So i took one small m&m, and that was it. Well, i had a good chat with ammar! We talked about left4dead, killing zombies, *piew piew piew, haha. Since now my dad's comp has been downloaded with the game. I play it everyday and yesterday i played the game with my mom :D After 5 seconds, my mom was scared and went off -.-" So i was the brave one killing all the zombies with my rifles and guns! It was so fun i swear, there was a lot of zombies, all types of them, smoker, hunter, boomer was the fat one, everytime i killed him. His blood went everywhere and it was green. For hunter, it was hard to kill because he kept jumping everywhere, but the scariest was smoker because he had this long toungee to wrap around the victim's body and pull them. So i've been pulled, a lot of times -.-" haha. I still haven't seen the tank species, but i'll keep searching ! It's my favourite game now :')

Damn, just got the news 2 seconds ago, ammar is confirmed with H1N1 :'(
Omg, i really hope he's gonna be okayy! This is just so terrible! I hope he gets better :(


Open this video to see how it's played.
Left4dead gameplay !

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